Source code for packages.nih.collect_nih

Collect NIH

Extract all of the NIH World RePORTER data via
their static data dump. :code:`N_TABS` outputs are produced
in CSV format (concatenated across all years), where
:code:`N_TABS` correspondes to the number of tabs in
the main table found at:

The data is transferred to the Nesta intermediate data bucket.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import boto3
from io import BytesIO
from io import StringIO
import re
import requests
from zipfile import ZipFile
import csv

# Some constants
TOP_URL = ""
N_TABS = 5
S3 = boto3.resource('s3')

[docs]def get_data_urls(tab_index): '''Get all CSV URLs from the :code:`tab_index`th tab of the main table found at :code:`TOP_URL`. Args: tab_index (int): Tab number (0-indexed) of table to extract CSV URLs from. Returns: title (str): Title of the tab in the table. hrefs (list): List of URLs pointing to data CSVs. ''' # Make the request process the response r = requests.get(TOP_URL, params={'index':tab_index}) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser") # Get the selected tab's title title = soup.find('a', class_='selected')['title'] # Extract URLs if 'CSV' is in the URL, but ignore 'DUNS' data hrefs = [] for a in soup.find_all('a', href=True): if ('CSVs' not in a['href']) or ('DUNS' in a['href']): continue if not a['href'].startswith('https'): a['href'] = '{}/{}'.format(BASE_URL, a['href']) hrefs.append(a['href']) return title, hrefs
[docs]def clean_field_name(field_name): '''Standardise inconsistently formatted field names, by replacing non-alphanums with single underscores and lowercasing.''' name = field_name.lower() name = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '_', name) while '__' in name: name = name.replace('__', '_') return name
[docs]def iterrows(url): '''Yield rows from the CSV (found at URL :code:`url`) as JSON (well, :code:`dict` objects). Args: url (str): The URL at which a zipped-up CSV is found. Yields: :code:`dict` object, representing one row of the CSV. ''' # Get the CSV for this URL by unzipping the file at 'url' with BytesIO() as tmp_file: r = requests.get(url) tmp_file.write(r.content) with ZipFile(tmp_file) as tmp_zip: internal_file_names = tmp_zip.namelist() assert len(internal_file_names) == 1 _data =[0]) # Yield JSON chunks of each CSV row #_data = _data.decode('cp1252').split("\r\n") _data = _data.decode('latin-1').split("\r\n") _data_it = csv.reader(_data) columns = next(_data_it) for row in _data_it: yield {clean_field_name(col): val for col, val in zip(columns, row)}