Source code for packages.nlp_utils.preprocess

import re
import string
import gensim
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import numpy as np
from operator import iadd
from functools import reduce
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer'stopwords', quiet=True)'punkt', quiet=True)

stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english') +
                 list(string.punctuation) +
                 ['\\n'] + ['quot'])

regex_str = [r"http[s]?://(?:[a-z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|"

# Create the tokenizer which will be case insensitive and will ignore space.
tokens_re = re.compile(r'('+'|'.join(regex_str)+')',
                       re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)

[docs]def tokenize_document(text, remove_stops=False, keep_quasi_numeric=True): """Preprocess a whole raw document. Args: text (str): Raw string of text. remove_stops (bool): Flag to remove english stopwords Return: List of preprocessed and tokenized documents """ return [clean_and_tokenize(sentence, remove_stops, keep_quasi_numeric) for sentence in nltk.sent_tokenize(text)]
[docs]def clean_and_tokenize(text, remove_stops, keep_quasi_numeric=False): """Preprocess a raw string/sentence of text. Args: text (str): Raw string of text. remove_stops (bool): Flag to remove english stopwords Return: tokens (list, str): Preprocessed tokens. """ tokens = tokens_re.findall(text) _tokens = [t.lower() for t in tokens] filtered_tokens = [token.replace('-', '_') for token in _tokens if not (remove_stops and len(token) <= 2) and (not remove_stops or token not in stop_words) and (keep_quasi_numeric or not any(x in token for x in string.digits)) and any(x in token for x in string.ascii_lowercase)] return filtered_tokens
[docs]def filter_by_idf(documents, lower_idf_limit, upper_idf_limit): """Remove (from documents) terms which are in a range of IDF values. Args: documents (list): Either a :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` or a :obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` to be filtered. lower_idf_limit (float): Lower percentile (between 0 and 100) on which to exclude terms by their IDF. upper_idf_limit (float): Upper percentile (between 0 and 100) on which to exclude terms by their IDF. Returns: Filtered documents """ # Check the shape of the input documents docs = documents if type(documents[0]) is list: docs = [reduce(iadd, d) for d in documents] # Evaluate the TFIDF tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(tokenizer=lambda x: x, lowercase=False) lower_idf = np.percentile(tfidf.idf_, lower_idf_limit) upper_idf = np.percentile(tfidf.idf_, upper_idf_limit) # Pick out the vocab to be dropped drop_vocab = set(term for term, idx in tfidf.vocabulary_.items() if tfidf.idf_[idx] < lower_idf or tfidf.idf_[idx] >= upper_idf) # Filter the documents new_docs = [] for doc in documents: _new_doc = [] for sent in doc: _new_sent = [w for w in sent if w not in drop_vocab] if len(_new_sent) == 0: continue _new_doc.append(_new_sent) new_docs.append(_new_doc) return new_docs
if __name__ == '__main__':"gutenberg") from nltk.corpus import gutenberg docs = [] for fid in gutenberg.fileids(): f = docs.append( f.close() docs = [tokenize_document(d) for d in docs] docs = filter_by_idf(docs, 10, 90)