Source code for nesta.core.routines.crunchbase.crunchbase_org_collect_task

Get organisations

Luigi routine to collect organisations from Crunchbase data exports and load the data into MySQL.

import luigi
import logging
import os

from nesta.packages.crunchbase.crunchbase_collect import get_files_from_tar, process_orgs
from nesta.packages.crunchbase.crunchbase_collect import rename_uuid_columns
from nesta.core.luigihacks.misctools import get_config
from nesta.core.luigihacks.mysqldb import MySqlTarget
from nesta.core.orms.crunchbase_orm import Base, CategoryGroup, Organization, OrganizationCategory
from nesta.core.orms.orm_utils import get_mysql_engine, try_until_allowed, db_session
from nesta.core.orms.orm_utils import filter_out_duplicates
from nesta.core.orms.orm_utils import insert_data
from nesta.packages.misc_utils.batches import split_batches

[docs]class OrgCollectTask(luigi.Task): """Download tar file of Organization csvs and load them into the MySQL server. Args: _routine_id (str): String used to label the AWS task db_config_path: (str) The output database configuration """ date = luigi.DateParameter() _routine_id = luigi.Parameter() test = luigi.BoolParameter() insert_batch_size = luigi.IntParameter(default=500) db_config_env = luigi.Parameter()
[docs] def output(self): """Points to the output database engine""" self.db_config_path = os.environ[self.db_config_env] db_config = get_config(self.db_config_path, "mysqldb") db_config["database"] = 'dev' if self.test else 'production' db_config["table"] = "Crunchbase <dummy>" # Note, not a real table update_id = "CrunchbaseCollectOrgData_{}".format( return MySqlTarget(update_id=update_id, **db_config)
[docs] def run(self): """Collect and process organizations, categories and long descriptions.""" # database setup database = 'dev' if self.test else 'production' logging.warning(f"Using {database} database") self.engine = get_mysql_engine(self.db_config_env, 'mysqldb', database) try_until_allowed(Base.metadata.create_all, self.engine) # collect files nrows = 200 if self.test else None cat_groups, orgs, org_descriptions = get_files_from_tar(['category_groups', 'organizations', 'organization_descriptions' ], nrows=nrows) # process category_groups cat_groups = rename_uuid_columns(cat_groups) insert_data(self.db_config_env, 'mysqldb', database, Base, CategoryGroup, cat_groups.to_dict(orient='records'), low_memory=True) # process organizations and categories with db_session(self.engine) as session: existing_orgs = session.query( existing_orgs = {org[0] for org in existing_orgs}"Summary of organisation data:")"Total number of organisations:\t {len(orgs)}")"Number of organisations already in the database:\t {len(existing_orgs)}")"Number of category groups and text descriptions:\t" f"{len(cat_groups)}, {len(org_descriptions)}") processed_orgs, org_cats, missing_cat_groups = process_orgs(orgs, existing_orgs, cat_groups, org_descriptions) # Insert CatGroups insert_data(self.db_config_env, 'mysqldb', database, Base, CategoryGroup, missing_cat_groups) # Insert orgs in batches n_batches = round(len(processed_orgs)/self.insert_batch_size)"Inserting {n_batches} batches of size {self.insert_batch_size}") for i, batch in enumerate(split_batches(processed_orgs, self.insert_batch_size)): if i % 100 == 0:"Inserting batch {i} of {n_batches}") insert_data(self.db_config_env, 'mysqldb', database, Base, Organization, batch, low_memory=True) # link table needs to be inserted via non-bulk method to enforce relationship"Filtering duplicates...") org_cats, existing_org_cats, failed_org_cats = filter_out_duplicates(self.db_config_env, 'mysqldb', database, Base, OrganizationCategory, org_cats, low_memory=True)"Inserting {len(org_cats)} org categories " f"({len(existing_org_cats)} already existed and {len(failed_org_cats)} failed)") #org_cats = [OrganizationCategory(**org_cat) for org_cat in org_cats] with db_session(self.engine) as session: session.add_all(org_cats) # mark as done self.output().touch()