Source code for

""" (nih_dedupe)

Deduplicate NiH articles based on similarity scores
using Elasticsearch's document similarity API. Similarity
is calculated based on the description of the project, the
project abstract and the title of the project.
Funding information is aggregated (summed) across all deduplicated
articles, for the total and annuals funds.

import logging
from nesta.core.luigihacks.elasticsearchplus import ElasticsearchPlus
from nesta.core.orms.orm_utils import load_json_from_pathstub

from collections import Counter
import json
import boto3
import os
import numpy as np
import time

[docs]def get_value(obj, key): """Retrieve a value by key if exists, else return None.""" try: return obj[key] except KeyError: return
[docs]def extract_yearly_funds(src): """Extract yearly funds""" year = get_value(src, 'year_fiscal_funding') cost_ref = get_value(src, 'cost_total_project') start_date = get_value(src, 'date_start_project') end_date = get_value(src, 'date_end_project') yearly_funds = [] if year is not None: yearly_funds = [{'year':year, 'cost_ref': cost_ref, 'start_date': start_date, 'end_date': end_date}] return yearly_funds
[docs]def run(): # Fetch the input parameters s3_bucket = os.environ["BATCHPAR_bucket"] batch_file = os.environ["BATCHPAR_batch_file"] es_host = os.environ['BATCHPAR_outinfo'] es_port = int(os.environ['BATCHPAR_out_port']) es_new_index = os.environ['BATCHPAR_out_index'] es_old_index = os.environ['BATCHPAR_in_index'] es_type = os.environ['BATCHPAR_out_type'] entity_type = os.environ["BATCHPAR_entity_type"] aws_auth_region = os.environ["BATCHPAR_aws_auth_region"] # Extract the article ids in this chunk s3 = boto3.resource('s3') ids_obj = s3.Object(s3_bucket, batch_file) art_ids = json.loads(ids_obj.get()['Body']'Processing {len(art_ids)} article ids') field_null_mapping = load_json_from_pathstub("health-scanner", "nulls.json") es = ElasticsearchPlus(hosts=es_host, port=es_port, aws_auth_region=aws_auth_region, no_commit=("AWSBATCHTEST" in os.environ), entity_type=entity_type, field_null_mapping=field_null_mapping, send_get_body_as='POST') # Iterate over article IDs processed_ids = set() for _id in art_ids: if _id in processed_ids: # To avoid duplicated effort continue # Collect all duplicated data together dupe_ids = {} # For identifying the most recent dupe yearly_funds = [] # The new deduped collection of annual funds hits = {} for hit in es.near_duplicates(index=es_old_index, doc_id=_id, doc_type=es_type, fields=["textBody_descriptive_project", "title_of_project", "textBody_abstract_project"]): # Extract key values src = hit['_source'] hit_id = hit['_id'] # Record this hit processed_ids.add(hit_id) hits[hit_id] = src # Extract year and funding info yearly_funds += extract_yearly_funds(src) year = get_value(src, 'year_fiscal_funding') if year is not None: dupe_ids[hit_id] = year # Get the most recent instance of the duplicates final_id = sorted(hits.keys())[-1] # default if years are all null if len(dupe_ids) > 0: # implies years are not all null final_id, year = Counter(dupe_ids).most_common()[0] body = hits[final_id] processed_ids = processed_ids.union(set(dupe_ids)) # Sort and sum the funding yearly_funds = sorted(yearly_funds, key=lambda row: row['year']) sum_funding = sum(row['cost_ref'] for row in yearly_funds if row['cost_ref'] is not None) # Add funding info and commit to the new index body['json_funding_project'] = yearly_funds body['cost_total_project'] = sum_funding body['date_start_project'] = yearly_funds[0]['start_date'] # just in case es.index(index=es_new_index, doc_type=es_type, id=final_id, body=body)'Processed {len(processed_ids)} ids')"Batch job complete.")
# For local debugging if __name__ == "__main__": log_level = logging.INFO if 'BATCHPAR_outinfo' not in os.environ: logging.getLogger('boto3').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) logging.getLogger('botocore').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) logging.getLogger('s3transfer').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) logging.getLogger('urllib3').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) log_level = logging.INFO pars = {'batch_file': ('2019-05-23-True-' '1564652840333777.json'), 'config': 'mysqldb.config', 'bucket': 'nesta-production-intermediate', 'done': 'False', 'outinfo': ('https://search-health-scanner-' '5cs7g52446h7qscocqmiky5dn4.' ''), 'out_port': '443', 'out_index': 'nih_v5', 'in_index': 'nih_v4', 'out_type': '_doc', 'aws_auth_region': 'eu-west-2', 'entity_type': 'paper', 'test': 'False', 'routine_id': '2019-05-23-True'} for k, v in pars.items(): os.environ[f'BATCHPAR_{k}'] = v log_stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() logging.basicConfig(handlers=[log_stream_handler, ], level=log_level, format="%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s") run()