Source code for

""" (arxiv_elasticsearch)

Transfer arXiv data from MySQL to elasticsearch, principally intended
for the `arXlive <>`_ `hierarXy <>`_ 
searchkit front-end.

from nesta.core.luigihacks.elasticsearchplus import ElasticsearchPlus
from ast import literal_eval
import boto3
import json
import logging
import os
import pandas as pd
import requests
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime as dt

from nesta.core.orms.orm_utils import db_session, get_mysql_engine
from nesta.core.orms.orm_utils import load_json_from_pathstub
from nesta.core.orms.orm_utils import object_to_dict
from nesta.core.orms.arxiv_orm import Article
from nesta.core.orms.grid_orm import Institute
from nesta.packages.mag.fos_lookup import build_fos_lookup
from nesta.packages.mag.fos_lookup import split_ids
from nesta.packages.geo_utils.lookup import get_country_region_lookup
from nesta.packages.arxiv.deepchange_analysis import is_multinational
from nesta.packages.nlp_utils.ngrammer import Ngrammer

[docs]def hierarchy_field(row_data): """ Generate hierarchical representation of fields of study, which is required for the searchkit interface. """ new_column = [] all_levels = set() count1, count2 = 0, 0 for value, ancestor in row_data: if ancestor not in all_levels: new_column.append({'ancestors':[], 'value': ancestor, 'level': 1}) all_levels.add(ancestor) count1 += 1 if (value, ancestor) not in all_levels: new_column.append({'ancestors':[ancestor], 'value': value, 'level': 2}) all_levels.add((value, ancestor)) count2 += 1 return new_column, count1, count2
[docs]def run(): test = literal_eval(os.environ["BATCHPAR_test"]) bucket = os.environ['BATCHPAR_bucket'] batch_file = os.environ['BATCHPAR_batch_file'] db_name = os.environ["BATCHPAR_db_name"] es_host = os.environ['BATCHPAR_outinfo'] es_port = int(os.environ['BATCHPAR_out_port']) es_index = os.environ['BATCHPAR_out_index'] es_type = os.environ['BATCHPAR_out_type'] entity_type = os.environ["BATCHPAR_entity_type"] aws_auth_region = os.environ["BATCHPAR_aws_auth_region"] # database setup engine = get_mysql_engine("BATCHPAR_config", "mysqldb", db_name) fos_lookup = build_fos_lookup(engine) # Setup ngrammer os.environ['MYSQLDBCONF'] = os.environ['BATCHPAR_config'] ngrammer = Ngrammer(database="production") # es setup strans_kwargs={'filename':'arxiv.json', 'from_key':'tier_0', 'to_key':'tier_1', 'ignore':['id']} es = ElasticsearchPlus(hosts=es_host, port=es_port, aws_auth_region=aws_auth_region, no_commit=("AWSBATCHTEST" in os.environ), entity_type=entity_type, strans_kwargs=strans_kwargs, null_empty_str=True, coordinates_as_floats=True, listify_terms=True, do_sort=False) # collect file nrows = 20 if test else None s3 = boto3.resource('s3') obj = s3.Object(bucket, batch_file) art_ids = json.loads(obj.get()['Body']"{len(art_ids)} article IDs " "retrieved from s3") # Get all grid countries # and country: continent lookup country_lookup = get_country_region_lookup() with db_session(engine) as session: grid_countries = { country_lookup[obj.country_code] for obj in session.query(Institute).all() if obj.country_code is not None} grid_institutes = { for obj in session.query(Institute).all()} # current_year = with db_session(engine) as session: for count, obj in enumerate((session.query(Article) .filter( .all())): row = object_to_dict(obj) # Extract year from date year = 1990 if row['created'] is not None: row['year'] = row['created'].year year = row['created'].year # Normalise citation count for searchkit if row['citation_count'] is None: row['citation_count'] = 0 row['normalised_citation'] = row['citation_count']/np.log(current_year-year+2) # If abstract doesn't meet requirements, zero novelty # all other novelty will be assigned in a later task text = row['abstract'] + ' ' + row['title'] if (len(text) < 400 or any(x in row['abstract'].lower() for x in ('withdrawn', 'arxiv administrators')) or any(x in row['title'].lower() for x in ('reply to', 'reply on', 'comment to', 'comment on', 'remarks to', 'remarks on'))): row['novelty_of_article'] = 0 processed_tokens = ngrammer.process_document(row['abstract']) row['tokens'] = [t.replace('_', ' ') for tokens in processed_tokens for t in tokens] # Extract field of study Level 0 --> Level 1 paths fos = [] fos_objs = row.pop('fields_of_study') fos_ids = set(fos['id'] for fos in fos_objs) for f in fos_objs: if f['level'] > 0: continue fos += [reversed(fos_lookup[(f['id'], cid)]) for cid in split_ids(f['child_ids']) if cid in fos_ids] # Format hierarchical fields as expected by searchkit cats = [(cat['description'], cat['id'].split('.')[0]) for cat in row.pop('categories')] institutes = row.pop('institutes') good_institutes = [i['institute_id'] for i in institutes if i['matching_score'] > 0.9] countries = set(grid_countries[inst_id] for inst_id in good_institutes if inst_id in grid_countries) row['categories'], _, _ = hierarchy_field(cats) row['fos'], _, _ = hierarchy_field(fos) row['countries'], _, _ = hierarchy_field(countries) # Pull out international institute info has_mn = any(is_multinational(inst, grid_countries.values()) for inst in good_institutes) row['has_multinational'] = has_mn # Generate author & institute properties mag_authors = row.pop('mag_authors') if mag_authors is None: row['authors'] = None row['institutes'] = None #row['novelty_of_article'] = 0 else: if all('author_order' in a for a in mag_authors): mag_authors = sorted(mag_authors, key=lambda a: a['author_order']) row['authors'] = [author['author_name'].title() for author in mag_authors] if len(row['authors']) > 10: row['authors'] = [f"{row['authors'][0]}, et al"] gids = [author['affiliation_grid_id'] for author in mag_authors if 'affiliation_grid_id' in author] row['institutes'] = [grid_institutes[g].title() for g in gids if g in grid_institutes and g in good_institutes] #row['novelty_of_article'] = novelty0 + np.log(novelty1+1) uid = row.pop('id') _row = es.index(index=es_index, doc_type=es_type, id=uid, body=row) if not count % 1000:"{count} rows loaded to elasticsearch") logging.warning("Batch job complete.")
if __name__ == "__main__": log_stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() logging.basicConfig(handlers=[log_stream_handler, ], level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s") if 'BATCHPAR_outinfo' not in os.environ: from nesta.core.orms.orm_utils import setup_es es, es_config = setup_es('dev', True, True, dataset='arxiv') environ = {'batch_file': ('ArxivESTask-2019-09-19-' 'False-1568888970724721.json'), 'config': ('/home/ec2-user/nesta-eu/nesta/' 'core/config/mysqldb.config'), 'db_name': 'dev', 'bucket': 'nesta-production-intermediate', 'done': "False", 'outinfo': ('https://search-arxlive-' 't2brq66muzxag44zwmrcfrlmq4.' ''), 'out_port': '443', 'out_index': 'arxiv_dev', 'out_type': '_doc', 'aws_auth_region': 'eu-west-2', 'entity_type': 'article', 'test': "True"} for k, v in environ.items(): os.environ[f'BATCHPAR_{k}'] = v run()