Nesta’s production system is based on Luigi pipelines, and are designed to be entirely run on AWS via the batch service. The main Luigi server runs on a persistent EC2 instance. Beyond the well documented Luigi code, the main features of the nesta production system are:
, which facilates a managedLuigi.Task
which is split, batched and combined in a single step. Currently only synchronous jobs are accepted. Asynchonous jobs (where downstreamLuigi.Task
jobs can be triggered) are a part of a longer term plan.scripts.nesta_prepare_batch
which zips up the batchable with the specified environmental files and ships it to AWS S3.scripts.nesta_docker_build
which builds a specified docker environment and ships it to AWS ECS.
How to put code into production at nesta¶
If you’re completely new, check out our training slides. In short, the steps you should go through when building production code are to:
- Audit the package code, required to pass all auditing tests
- Understand what environment is required
- Write a Dockerfile and docker launch script for this under scripts/docker_recipes
- Build the Docker environment (run: docker_build <recipe_name> from any directory)
- Build and test the batchable(s)
- Build and test a Luigi pipeline
- […] Need to have steps here which estimate run time cost parameters. Could use to estimate this. […]
- Run the full chain
Code and scripts¶
- Routines
- Batchables
- ORMs
- Ontologies and schemas
- Luigi Hacks
- Scripts
- Scripts
- Elasticsearch
- Containerised Luigi