Source code for

""" (arxiv_eu)

Transfer pre-collected arXiv data from MySQL
to Elasticsearch, whilst labelling arXiv articles
as being EU or not. This differs slightly from 
the `arXlive <>`_ pipeline, by reflecting the
EURITO project more specificially, and allowing more
in depth analysis of MAG fields of study.

from ast import literal_eval
import boto3
import json
import logging
import os
from nuts_finder import NutsFinder

from nesta.core.luigihacks.elasticsearchplus import ElasticsearchPlus
from nesta.core.luigihacks.luigi_logging import set_log_level
from nesta.core.orms.orm_utils import db_session, get_mysql_engine
from nesta.core.orms.orm_utils import load_json_from_pathstub
from nesta.core.orms.orm_utils import object_to_dict
from nesta.core.orms.arxiv_orm import Article as Art
from nesta.core.orms.grid_orm import Institute as Inst
from nesta.packages.arxiv.deepchange_analysis import is_multinational
from nesta.packages.mag.fos_lookup import build_fos_lookup
from nesta.packages.mag.fos_lookup import make_fos_tree
from nesta.packages.geo_utils.lookup import get_country_region_lookup
from nesta.packages.geo_utils.lookup import get_eu_countries

[docs]def run(): test = literal_eval(os.environ["BATCHPAR_test"]) bucket = os.environ['BATCHPAR_bucket'] batch_file = os.environ['BATCHPAR_batch_file'] db_name = os.environ["BATCHPAR_db_name"] es_host = os.environ['BATCHPAR_outinfo'] es_port = int(os.environ['BATCHPAR_out_port']) es_index = os.environ['BATCHPAR_out_index'] es_type = os.environ['BATCHPAR_out_type'] entity_type = os.environ["BATCHPAR_entity_type"] aws_auth_region = os.environ["BATCHPAR_aws_auth_region"] # database setup'Retrieving engine connection') engine = get_mysql_engine("BATCHPAR_config", "mysqldb", db_name)'Building FOS lookup') fos_lookup = build_fos_lookup(engine, max_lvl=6) nf = NutsFinder() # es setup'Connecting to ES') strans_kwargs={'filename':'eurito/arxiv-eu.json', 'from_key':'tier_0', 'to_key':'tier_1', 'ignore':['id']} es = ElasticsearchPlus(hosts=es_host, port=es_port, aws_auth_region=aws_auth_region, no_commit=("AWSBATCHTEST" in os.environ), entity_type=entity_type, strans_kwargs=strans_kwargs, null_empty_str=True, coordinates_as_floats=True, listify_terms=True, do_sort=False, ngram_fields=['textBody_abstract_article']) # collect file'Retrieving article ids') nrows = 20 if test else None s3 = boto3.resource('s3') obj = s3.Object(bucket, batch_file) art_ids = json.loads(obj.get()['Body']"{len(art_ids)} article IDs " "retrieved from s3") # Get all grid countries # and country: continent lookup'Doing country lookup') country_lookup = get_country_region_lookup() eu_countries = get_eu_countries() with db_session(engine) as session: grid_regions = { country_lookup[obj.country_code] for obj in session.query(Inst).all() if obj.country_code is not None} grid_countries = { obj.country_code for obj in session.query(Inst).all() if obj.country_code is not None} grid_institutes = { for obj in session.query(Inst).all()} grid_latlon = { (obj.latitude, obj.longitude) for obj in session.query(Inst).all()} #'Processing rows') with db_session(engine) as session: for count, obj in enumerate((session.query(Art) .filter( .all())): row = object_to_dict(obj) # Extract year from date if row['created'] is not None: row['year'] = row['created'].year # Normalise citation count for searchkit if row['citation_count'] is None: row['citation_count'] = 0 # Extract field of study row['fields_of_study'] = make_fos_tree(row['fields_of_study'], fos_lookup) row['_fields_of_study'] = [f for fields in row['fields_of_study']['nodes'] for f in fields if f != []] # Format hierarchical fields as expected by searchkit row['categories'] = [cat['description'] for cat in row.pop('categories')] institutes = row.pop('institutes') good_institutes = [i['institute_id'] for i in institutes if i['matching_score'] > 0.9] # Add NUTS regions for inst_id in good_institutes: if inst_id not in grid_latlon: continue lat, lon = grid_latlon[inst_id] if lat is None or lon is None: continue nuts = nf.find(lat=lat, lon=lon) for i in range(0, 4): name = f'nuts_{i}' if name not in row: row[name] = set() for nut in nuts: if nut['LEVL_CODE'] != i: continue row[name].add(nut['NUTS_ID']) for i in range(0, 4): name = f'nuts_{i}' if name in row: row[name] = list(row[name]) # Add other geographies countries = set(grid_countries[inst_id] for inst_id in good_institutes if inst_id in grid_countries) regions = set(grid_regions[inst_id] for inst_id in good_institutes if inst_id in grid_countries) row['countries'] = list(countries) #[c for c, r in countries] row['regions'] = [r for c, r in regions] row['is_eu'] = any(c in eu_countries for c in countries) # Pull out international institute info has_mn = any(is_multinational(inst, grid_countries.values()) for inst in good_institutes) row['has_multinational'] = has_mn # Generate author & institute properties mag_authors = row.pop('mag_authors') if mag_authors is None: row['authors'] = None row['institutes'] = None else: if all('author_order' in a for a in mag_authors): mag_authors = sorted(mag_authors, key=lambda a: a['author_order']) row['authors'] = [author['author_name'].title() for author in mag_authors] gids = [author['affiliation_grid_id'] for author in mag_authors if 'affiliation_grid_id' in author] row['institutes'] = [grid_institutes[g].title() for g in gids if g in grid_institutes and g in good_institutes] if row['institutes'] in (None, []): row['institutes'] = [grid_institutes[g].title() for g in good_institutes] uid = row.pop('id') _row = es.index(index=es_index, doc_type=es_type, id=uid, body=row) if not count % 1000:"{count} rows loaded to " "elasticsearch") logging.warning("Batch job complete.")
if __name__ == "__main__": set_log_level() if 'BATCHPAR_outinfo' not in os.environ: from nesta.core.orms.orm_utils import setup_es es, es_config = setup_es('dev', True, True, dataset='arxiv-eu') environ = {'config': ('/home/ec2-user/nesta-eu/nesta/' 'core/config/mysqldb.config'), 'batch_file' : ('arxiv-eu_EURITO-ElasticsearchTask-' '2019-10-12-True-157124660046601.json'), 'db_name': 'dev', 'bucket': 'nesta-production-intermediate', 'done': "False", 'outinfo': ('https://search-eurito-dev-' 'vq22tw6otqjpdh47u75bh2g7ba.' ''), 'out_port': '443', 'out_index': 'arxiv_dev', 'out_type': '_doc', 'aws_auth_region': 'eu-west-2', 'entity_type': 'article', 'test': "True"} for k, v in environ.items(): os.environ[f'BATCHPAR_{k}'] = v'Starting...') run()