Source code for nesta.core.routines.meetup.country_extended_groups.country_extended_groups

Collect data

Starting with a seed country (and Meetup category),
extract all groups in that country and subsequently
find all groups associated with all members of the
original set of groups.

from nesta.packages.meetup.country_groups import get_coordinate_data
from nesta.packages.meetup.country_groups import assert_iso2_key
from nesta.core.luigihacks.mysqldb import MySqlTarget
from nesta.core.luigihacks.misctools import get_config
from nesta.core.luigihacks.misctools import find_filepath_from_pathstub
from nesta.core.luigihacks import autobatch
from nesta.core.luigihacks import s3
from nesta.core.orms.meetup_orm import Base
from nesta.core.orms.orm_utils import get_mysql_engine
import luigi
import datetime
import json
import time
import logging 
from botocore.errorfactory import ClientError
import boto3
import os

# Define these globally since they are shared resources
# TODO: consider bundling this into a Singleton
S3 = boto3.resource('s3')
_BUCKET = S3.Bucket("nesta-production-intermediate")
DONE_KEYS = set(obj.key for obj in _BUCKET.objects.all())
BATCHABLE = os.path.join(find_filepath_from_pathstub("core/batchables/meetup"),"{}")

[docs]def chunks(l, n): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l.""" for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i + n]
[docs]class CountryGroupsTask(autobatch.AutoBatchTask): '''Extract all groups with corresponding category for this country. Args: ''' iso2 = luigi.Parameter() category = luigi.Parameter() _routine_id = luigi.Parameter()
[docs] def output(self): '''Points to the input database target''' update_id = "meetup_groups-%s" % self._routine_id db_config = get_config("mysqldb.config", "mysqldb") db_config["database"] = "production" if not self.test else "dev" db_config["table"] = "meetup_groups" return MySqlTarget(update_id=update_id, **db_config)
[docs] def prepare(self): '''Prepare the batch job parameters''' # Get all country data and generate the lat/lon and radius # parameter for this country df = get_coordinate_data(n=10) condition = assert_iso2_key(df, self.iso2) # Get parameters for this country name = df.loc[condition, "NAME"].values[0] coords = df.loc[condition, "coords"].values[0] radius = df.loc[condition, "radius"].values[0] # Add the mandatory `outinfo' and `done' fields job_params = [] for _coords in chunks(coords, 10): # Check whether the job has been done already s3_key = self.job_name s3_path = "s3://nesta-production-intermediate/%s" % s3_key done = s3_key in DONE_KEYS # Fill in the params params = {"iso2":self.iso2, "cat":self.category, "name":name, "radius":radius, "coords":str(_coords), "config": "mysqldb.config", "db":"production" if not self.test else "dev", "outinfo":s3_path, "done":done} job_params.append(params) return job_params
[docs] def combine(self, job_params): '''Combine the outputs from the batch jobs''' self.output().touch()
[docs]class GroupsMembersTask(autobatch.AutoBatchTask): ''' Args: date (datetime): Date used to label the outputs batchable (str): Path to the directory containing the batchable job_def (str): Name of the AWS job definition job_name (str): Name given to this AWS batch job job_queue (str): AWS batch queue region_name (str): AWS region from which to batch poll_time (int): Time between querying the AWS batch job status ''' iso2 = luigi.Parameter() category = luigi.Parameter() _routine_id = luigi.Parameter()
[docs] def requires(self): '''Gets the input data''' return CountryGroupsTask(iso2=self.iso2, category=self.category, _routine_id=self._routine_id, batchable=BATCHABLE.format("country_groups"), env_files=self.env_files, job_def=self.job_def, job_name="CountryGroups-%s" % self._routine_id, job_queue=self.job_queue, region_name=self.region_name, poll_time=self.poll_time, test=self.test)
[docs] def output(self): '''Points to the DB target''' update_id = "meetup_groups_members-%s" % self._routine_id db_config = get_config("mysqldb.config", "mysqldb") db_config["database"] = "production" if not self.test else "dev" db_config["table"] = "meetup_groups_members" return MySqlTarget(update_id=update_id, **db_config)
[docs] def prepare(self): '''Prepare the batch job parameters''' cnx = self.input().connect() cursor = cnx.cursor() query = ("SELECT id, urlname FROM meetup_groups " "WHERE country = %s AND category_id = %s;") cursor.execute(query, (self.iso2, self.category)) # Add the mandatory `outinfo' and `done' fields job_params = [] for group_id, group_urlname in cursor: # Check whether the job has been done already s3_key = "{}-{}-{}".format(self.job_name, group_id, group_urlname) s3_path = "s3://nesta-production-intermediate/%s" % s3_key done = s3_key in DONE_KEYS # Fill in the params params = {"group_urlname":group_urlname, "group_id":group_id, "config":"mysqldb.config", "db":"production" if not self.test else "dev", "outinfo":s3_path, "done":done} job_params.append(params) # Tidy up and return cursor.close() cnx.close() return job_params
[docs] def combine(self, job_params): '''Combine the outputs from the batch jobs''' self.output().touch()
[docs]class MembersGroupsTask(autobatch.AutoBatchTask): ''' Args: date (datetime): Date used to label the outputs batchable (str): Path to the directory containing the batchable job_def (str): Name of the AWS job definition job_name (str): Name given to this AWS batch job job_queue (str): AWS batch queue region_name (str): AWS region from which to batch poll_time (int): Time between querying the AWS batch job status ''' iso2 = luigi.Parameter() category = luigi.Parameter() _routine_id = luigi.Parameter()
[docs] def requires(self): '''Gets the input data''' return GroupsMembersTask(iso2=self.iso2, category=self.category, _routine_id=self._routine_id, batchable=BATCHABLE.format("groups_members"), env_files=self.env_files, job_def=self.job_def, job_name="GroupsMembers-%s" % self._routine_id, job_queue=self.job_queue, region_name=self.region_name, poll_time=self.poll_time, test=self.test)
[docs] def output(self): '''Points to the DB target''' update_id = "meetup_members_groups-%s" % self._routine_id db_config = get_config("mysqldb.config", "mysqldb") db_config["database"] = "production" if not self.test else "dev" db_config["table"] = "meetup_members_groups" return MySqlTarget(update_id=update_id, **db_config)
[docs] def prepare(self): '''Prepare the batch job parameters''' cnx = self.input().connect() cursor = cnx.cursor() query = ("SELECT member_id FROM meetup_groups_members " "JOIN meetup_groups " "ON meetup_groups_members.group_id = " "WHERE country = %s AND category_id = %s;") cursor.execute(query, (self.iso2, self.category)) job_params = [] while True: chunk = cursor.fetchmany(100) if len(chunk) == 0: break data = [member_id for member_id, in chunk] # Check whether the job has been done already s3_key = "{}-{}-{}".format(self.job_name, data[0], data[-1]) s3_path = "s3://nesta-production-intermediate/%s" % s3_key done = s3_key in DONE_KEYS # Fill in the params params = {"member_ids":str(data), "config":"mysqldb.config", "db":"production" if not self.test else "dev", "outinfo":s3_path, "done":done} job_params.append(params) # Tidy up and return cursor.close() cnx.close() return job_params
# # Add the mandatory `outinfo' and `done' fields # job_params = [] # for member_id, in cursor: # # Check whether the job has been done already # s3_key = "{}-{}".format(self.job_name, member_id) # s3_path = "s3://nesta-production-intermediate/%s" % s3_key # done = s3_key in DONE_KEYS # # Fill in the params # params = {"member_id":member_id, # "config":"mysqldb.config", # "outinfo":s3_path, "done":done} # job_params.append(params) # # Tidy up and return # cursor.close() # cnx.close() # return job_params
[docs] def combine(self, job_params): '''Combine the outputs from the batch jobs''' self.output().touch()
[docs]class GroupDetailsTask(autobatch.AutoBatchTask): '''The root task, which adds the surname 'Muppet' to the names of the muppets. Args: date (datetime): Date used to label the outputs ''' _routine_id = luigi.Parameter() iso2 = luigi.Parameter() category = luigi.Parameter()
[docs] def requires(self): '''Get the output from the batchtask''' return MembersGroupsTask(iso2=self.iso2, category=self.category, _routine_id=self._routine_id, batchable=BATCHABLE.format("members_groups"), env_files=self.env_files, job_def=self.job_def, job_name="MembersGroups-%s" % self._routine_id, job_queue=self.job_queue, region_name=self.region_name, poll_time=self.poll_time, test=self.test)
[docs] def output(self): '''Points to the DB target''' update_id = "meetup_group_details-%s" % self._routine_id db_config = get_config("mysqldb.config", "mysqldb") db_config["database"] = "production" if not self.test else "dev" db_config["table"] = "meetup_groups" return MySqlTarget(update_id=update_id, **db_config)
[docs] def prepare(self): '''Prepare the batch job parameters''' cnx = self.input().connect() cursor = cnx.cursor() query = ("SELECT distinct(group_urlname) " "FROM meetup_groups_members " "LEFT JOIN meetup_groups " "ON meetup_groups_members.group_id = " "WHERE IS NULL;") cursor.execute(query) # Add the mandatory `outinfo' and `done' fields job_params = [] while True: chunk = cursor.fetchmany(100) if len(chunk) == 0: break data = [group_urlname for group_urlname, in chunk if group_urlname.count("?") == 0] # Check whether the job has been done already s3_key = "{}-{}-{}".format(self.job_name, data[0], data[-1]) s3_path = "s3://nesta-production-intermediate/%s" % s3_key done = s3_key in DONE_KEYS # Fill in the params params = {"group_urlnames":str([x.encode("utf8") for x in data]), "config":"mysqldb.config", "db":"production" if not self.test else "dev", "outinfo":s3_path, "done":done} job_params.append(params) # Tidy up and return cursor.close() cnx.close() return job_params
[docs] def combine(self, job_params): '''Combine the outputs from the batch jobs''' self.output().touch()
[docs]class RootTask(luigi.WrapperTask): '''A dummy root task, which collects the database configurations and executes the central task. Args: date (datetime): Date used to label the outputs ''' date = luigi.DateParameter( iso2 = luigi.Parameter() category = luigi.Parameter() production = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False)
[docs] def requires(self): '''Collects the database configurations and executes the central task.''' logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) _routine_id = f"{}-{self.iso2}-{self.category}-{self.production}" engine = get_mysql_engine("MYSQLDB", "mysqldb", "production" if self.production else "dev") Base.metadata.create_all(engine) yield GroupDetailsTask(iso2=self.iso2, category=self.category, _routine_id=_routine_id, batchable=BATCHABLE.format("group_details"), env_files=[find_filepath_from_pathstub("/nesta/nesta"), find_filepath_from_pathstub("/config/mysqldb.config")], job_def="py36_amzn1_image", job_name="GroupDetails-%s" % _routine_id, job_queue="HighPriority", region_name="eu-west-2", poll_time=10, max_live_jobs=100, test=(not self.production))