Source code for packages.decorators.schema_transform


Apply a field name transformation to a data output from the wrapped function,
such that specified field names are transformed and unspecified fields are dropped.
A valid file would be formatted as shown:

[{"tier_0": "bad_col", "tier_1": "good_col"},
{"tier_0": "another_bad_col", "tier_1": "another_good_col"},

where :code:`tier_0` and :code:`tier_1` correspond to :code:`from_key` and :code:`to_key`
in the below documentation.    

import pandas
import json

[docs]def load_transformer(filename, from_key, to_key): with open(filename) as f: _data = json.load(f) transformer = {row[from_key]:row[to_key] for row in _data} return transformer
[docs]def schema_transform(filename, from_key, to_key): ''' Args: filename (str): A record-oriented JSON file path mapping field names denoted by from :code:`from_key` and :code:`to_key`. from_key (str): The key in file indicated by :code:`filename` which indicates the field name to transform. to_key (str): The key in file indicated by :code:`filename` which what the field name indicated by :code:`from_key` will be transformed to. Returns: Data in the format it was originally passed to the wrapper in, with specified field names transformed and unspecified fields dropped. ''' transformer = load_transformer(filename, from_key, to_key) def wrapper(func): def transformed(*args, **kwargs): data = func(*args,**kwargs) # Accept DataFrames... if type(data) == pandas.DataFrame: drop_cols = [c for c in data.columns if c not in transformer] data.drop(drop_cols, axis=1, inplace=True) data.rename(columns=transformer, inplace=True) # ... OR list of dicts elif type(data) == list and all(type(row) == dict for row in data): data = [{transformer[k]:v for k, v in row.items() if k in transformer} for row in data] # Otherwise throw an error else: raise ValueError("Schema transform expects EITHER a " "pandas.DataFrame " "OR a list of dict from the wrapped " "function.") return data return transformed return wrapper
[docs]def schema_transformer(data, *, filename, from_key, to_key, ignore=[]): '''Function version of the schema_transformer wrapper. Args: data (dataframe OR list of dicts): the data requiring the schama transformation filename (str): the path to the schema json file from_key (str): tier level of the data to_key (str): tier level to be applied to the data ignore (list): optional list of fields, eg ids or keys which shouldn't be dropped Returns: supplied data with schema applied ''' # Accept DataFrames... transformer = load_transformer(filename, from_key, to_key) if type(data) == pandas.DataFrame: drop_cols = [c for c in data.columns if c not in transformer and c not in ignore] data.drop(drop_cols, axis=1, inplace=True) data.rename(columns=transformer, inplace=True) return data # ... OR list of dicts elif type(data) == list and all(type(row) == dict for row in data): transformed_data = [] for row in data: transformed = {transformer[k]: v for k, v in row.items() if k in transformer} ignored = {k: v for k, v in row.items() if k in ignore} transformed_data.append({**transformed, **ignored}) return transformed_data # ... OR a single dict elif type(data) == dict: transformed = {transformer[k]: v for k, v in data.items() if k in transformer} ignored = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k in ignore} return {**transformed, **ignored} # Otherwise throw an error else: raise ValueError("Schema transform expects EITHER a " "pandas.DataFrame " "OR a list of dict, " "OR a single dict from the " "wrapped function.")