Source code for packages.meetup.meetup_utils

import os
import random
import json
import numpy as np
from nesta.core.orms.orm_utils import db_session
from nesta.core.orms.meetup_orm import Group
from collections import Counter

[docs]def get_api_key(): '''Get a random API key from those listed in the environmental variable :code:`MEETUP_API_KEYS`. ''' api_keys = os.environ["MEETUP_API_KEYS"].split(",") return random.choice(api_keys)
[docs]def save_sample(json_data, filename, k): '''Dump a sample of :code:`k` items from row-oriented JSON data :code:`json_data` into file with name :code:`filename`. ''' with open(filename, 'w') as fp: json.dump(random.sample(json_data, k), fp)
[docs]def flatten_data(list_json_data, keys, **kwargs): '''Flatten nested JSON data from a list of JSON objects, by a list of desired keys. Each element in the :code:`keys` may also be an ordered iterable of keys, such that subsequent keys describe a path through the JSON to desired value. For example in order to extract `key1` and `key3` from: .. code-block:: python {'key': <some_value>, 'key2' : {'key3': <some_value>}} one would specify :code:`keys` as: .. code-block:: python ['key1', ('key2', 'key3')] Args: list_json_data (:obj:`json`): Row-orientated JSON data. keys (:obj:`list`): Mixed list of either: individual `str` keys for data values which are not nested; **or** sublists of `str`, as described above. **kwargs: Any constants to include in every flattened row of the output. Returns: :obj:`json`: Flattened row-orientated JSON data. ''' # Loop through groups output = [] for info in list_json_data: row = dict(**kwargs) # Generate the field names and values, if they exist for k in keys: field_name = k try: # If the key is just a string if type(k) == str: value = info[k] # Otherwise, assume its a list of keys else: field_name = "_".join(k) # Recursively assign the list of keys value = info for _k in k: value = value[_k] # Ignore fields which aren't found (these will appear # as NULL in the database anyway) except KeyError: continue row[field_name] = value output.append(row) return output
[docs]def get_members_by_percentile(engine, perc=10): """Get the number of meetup group members for a given percentile from the database. Args: engine: A SQL alchemy connectable. perc (int): A percentile to evaluate. Returns: members (float): The number of members corresponding to this percentile. """ with db_session(engine) as session: rows = (session .query(Group.members) .all()) rows = [r.members for r in rows] return float(np.percentile(rows, perc))
[docs]def get_core_topics(engine, core_categories, members_limit, perc=99): """Get the most frequent topics from a selection of meetup categories, from the database. Args: engine: A SQL alchemy connectable. core_categories (list): A list of category_shortnames. members_limit (int): Minimum number of members required in a group for it to be considered. perc (int): A percentile to evaluate the most frequent topics. Returns: topics (set): The set of most frequent topics. """ with db_session(engine) as session: rows = (session .query(Group.topics) .filter(Group.members >= members_limit) .filter(Group.category_shortname.in_(core_categories)) .all()) rows = [r.topics for r in rows] topic_counts = Counter(t['name'] for topics in rows for t in topics) topic_cutoff = np.percentile(list(float(v) for v in topic_counts.values()), perc) return set(k for k, v in topic_counts.items() if v >= topic_cutoff)